I have learned a lot about Carly Rae Jepson this past week. The Call Me Maybe singer is really interesting. I learned that
1. In 2007 Carly was 3rd in Canadian Idol! I was so surprised( consider I didn't think ANYONE was successful on that show)
2.She is from Mission, BC, Canada...Woot woot!:)
And 3. She is 27 years old!! She seems so muc younger!
Anyways I thought I'd share that with ya considering I was so surprised!:)
Carly Rae Jepsen

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    I'm Lucy! I live somewhere on earth... umm I love fashion and hope to be a fashion designer when I'm older! I love birds and my idol is Audrey Hepburn oh and I like One Direction (but you probs hear that ALOT)...
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    "Remember, in life you have two hands...the first for helping yourself and the second for helping others"