You have probably heard about the controversy over Harry Styles and Taylor Swift. Apparently they were dating in the spring and after Taylors long relationship with Conor Kennedy, they have started to see each other once again.
Many fans of Harry and one direction are not okay with this and have sent numerous death threats to Taylor saying 'If u dating my harry, i kill you' and another saying: 'I'll murder Taylor Swift. She will not date my Harry.' This is very aggressive considering it isn't even confirmed yet. I have to admit... I personally don't see them as a very good couple. I mean, Taylor is going to hurt him or vis versa...
Then she will go and write a whole album about it. Seriously? Who does that. I mean at least she doesn't share who the songs are about but still. I can assume the boys would know if the song is about them or not.
They were spotted over the weekend in the big Apple, hand in hand. Eye to eye.
They were also spotted last month on the set of The X-Factor. The host of the X-Factor, Mario Lopez was there when they were spotted. Lopez says "During rehearsals, Harry from One Direction came and slapped me on the back, and said, 'Hey, Mario, how ya doing?' And I said, 'What are you doing here?' And he sort of pointed toward Taylor.
There ya have it. There is strong evidence that they are seeing eachother. But Swift has denied it.
Swift has also looking for a house near Styles in England. In her last relationship she bought a mansion literally two doors down from Kennedys and guess what. They broke up a month later. Swift may be on the rebound as many celebrity's are once they are in a long relationship.
But then there is Harry. Unfortunately Harry has done some things in the past that have not been very good. When he was supposively dating Swift in the spring of 2012 he was going off to New Zealand. He has told Swift not to see anyone while he was gone. So she didn't. But what did he do?! Go and start making out with model, Emma Ostilly. This left Taylor heart broken.
Do you think there really is a Haylor? Do you think they would make a good couple? Do you think Taylor is on the rebound? Do you think Taylor is using Styles to get back @ Kennedy? Leave your answers and/or comments below!
"Haylor" seen walking in New York over the weekend...Does this make them a couple or just friends?

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    I'm Lucy! I live somewhere on earth... umm I love fashion and hope to be a fashion designer when I'm older! I love birds and my idol is Audrey Hepburn oh and I like One Direction (but you probs hear that ALOT)...
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    "Remember, in life you have two hands...the first for helping yourself and the second for helping others"